一、冷冻海产品进口注意事项 1、首先定出口国 不是所有***的海产品都可以进口的,只有已获得输华检验检疫准入资格或已有输华贸易的***(地区)的海产品才允许进口; Not all countries can import seafood, only to have access to China's import and export quarantine inspection qualification or the country has lost trade in the country (region) to allow imports of seafood; 2、确定水产品养殖方式 如果是养殖的水产品需要提供《进境动植物检验检疫许可证》; If the aquatic products need to provide "animal and plant inspection and quarantine permit"; 3、冷冻仓库的确定 如果冷冻仓库没有在海关备过案,是不允许存放的。 It is not allowed to be stored in the freezer if it has not been prepared in the customs. 二.进口前期,国外企业需要满足哪些基本条件 1.国外合作企业必须在在华注册名单内 (并不是所有的食品都有这个要求,需要在华注册的只有像乳制品、肉类、水产品及燕窝) 在华注册的简单流程:由国外人员拿相关资料到驻外大***去申报受理,备案后,国内会派人到国外公司去检测,办理在华注册的时间大概2个月。 (not all the food has this requirement, need to register in China only like dairy products, meat, aquatic products and the bird's Nest) In China, a simple process of registration: by foreign personnel to take the relevant information to the embassy to declare the admissibility of the record, the domestic will be sent to a foreign company to detect, handle the registration in China about 2 months. 2.进口的冷冻海鲜必须在水产品准入目录内,像一个客户提供的加拿大蓝鳕鱼并不在准入范围内,所以是不能进口的。 三.经营单位需要资质: 1.经营冷冻水产品营业执照 2.冷冻水产品卫生许可证 备注:若无资质,可以用我公司的抬头进口申报,即双抬头报关,我司作为经营单位,贵司作为收货单位。 四.进口冷冻海鲜企业需要提供哪些资料 1.国外企业资料:国外管方出具的原产地Z,卫生证、成分检测报告,水产品捕捞证书及一些普货资料(箱单、合同等资料) 1 foreign enterprise information: foreign party issued by the origin of the Z, health certificate, com***ition test report, aquatic products and some common fishing certificate information (box, contract, etc.) 2.国内企业资料:企业营业执照,进出口权,换单委托书,***机构代理等 注意:若进口的冷冻海鲜是**的,则不需要办理《进境动植物检疫检验许可证》, 若进口的是养殖的,则需要办理质检证,需1-2个月左右时间。 Note: if the imported frozen seafood is wild, do not need to apply for "animal and plant quarantine inspection permits", If the import is breeding, you need to apply for quality inspection certificate, about 1-2 months. 五.进口冷冻海鲜的简单流程 货物到港流程: 换单(提货单换提单)——报关报检——查验——商检查验——标签——出卫生证——放行(货物到港完成放行时间7个工作日) 我司可做门到门提货服务,国外***提货送至国内企业或商家、个人。 备注:货物需要中性包装,也就是里面裹一层薄膜袋,外面为纸箱。 货物包装的箱体需要有中文标签,标签内容:品名、规格、产地、保存温度、保存期限等。 六.关于进口冷冻海鲜费用问题 主要费用: 标签费,仓储费,码头杂费,运输费,换单费,关税等等费用 备注:因冷冻海鲜进口时,***进口是需要进行商检抽样检测,这时商检是只允许货物储存在商检监管的冷冻仓库的,如果不抽样,3-4天即可清关完成.***链是上海地区为数不多的操作海鲜成熟的***报关企业,且经验丰富的进口清关企业. Noe: due to frozen seafood imports, imported for the first time is the need for sampling inspection, the inspection is only allowed in the storage of the goods inspection supervision warehouse, if not sampling, 3-4 days to complete customs clearance. Wanhone supply chain is a few areas in Shanghai sea fresh mature operation famous declaration enterprises, and rich experience in import customs clearance companies.